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Call Us (0045) 2424 5013 or mail us!

"The Red House" B&B


Connie Harss

Kongensgade 10

DK - 3550 Slangerup


Tel: (0045) 2424 5013

Txt/sms: (0045) 2424 5013


En meget speciel butik

A very unique boutique!

Ved telefonisk reservation bekræfter vi på mail. Reservation via mail bekræftes indenfor 48 timer. Venligst tag et print af vor mail med til tjek-ind.


Reservation by phone will be confirmed to you by mail. Reservation by mail will be answered back within 48 hours. Please always take with you our mail to you and present it at your check-in. Thank you!

Succes! Beskeden er ankommet.

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